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Patrick's First Time at a Winter Family Camp

It was Patrick’s first time at family camp, and he came with his mom, Therese. Patrick, like every camper, was matched with a volunteer whose purpose was to enjoy the camp with him – to join him for games, meals, and worship times. Patrick’s volunteer match was Russ, an easy-going gentleman who was also at a Karis Disability Services Family Camp for the first time. 

Therese was filled with joy by the great time her son was having, and we often heard her praising the camp, the volunteers, the organizers, and the activities that had been arranged so everybody could participate. The bond between Russ and Patrick was very evident, and Patrick had a winning smile on his face almost all the time. Russ learned very quickly how to connect with Patrick and how to help him communicate with others. 

Family Camps are a glimpse of what that world can be – a loving community where people feel supported, encouraged, and where everybody has the same opportunities.

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