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Images of God: Art Exhibit in Waterloo, ON
Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us." (Genesis 1:26, NLT)
In the Christian tradition, we are all made in God’s image (Imago Dei). We are created and creative beings. We relate to God in many ways, including but not limited to our thoughts and words. Artistic endeavors capture insights that go beyond words.
As part of a psychology cross-training fellowship for theologians, Dr. Keith Dow interviewed eleven Ontario-based Christian adults with intellectual disabilities about their understanding of God and themselves. Each person created a collage that represents who they are. Each person also completed a photovoice exercise, taking photos that reminded them of God and journaling about the process. They then spoke about why they took these pictures and identified other photos that reminded them of God.

In this exhibition, you will find each person’s collage and two of their photos, along with short reflections on why these photos “image God” to them. Participants were asked if they wished to remain anonymous throughout the project or be identified. Each one chose to share their art and thoughts as themselves, unique people created in God’s image.
Whatever your faith tradition or sources of meaning in life, it is hoped that you are uplifted by this exhibition as you reflect on what it means to “image God.”
The “Images of God” art exhibit can be viewed at Martin Luther University College in Waterloo, ON from February 2 until April 30, 2025.
Admission is free and the space is open weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and some weekday evenings excluding statutory holidays.
Dr. Keith Dow is the manager of organizational culture and spiritual life at Karis Disability Services. You can read more about his work on this project at imagesofGod.ca.