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Building a Better Life Together: The Caballero Family

Whenever we stop by the Caballero household in Nicaragua, Nahomy greets us by name, asking us how we are and what we’ve been up to. Nahomy is the middle child in her family, Eberth is the big brother, and Lorena is the youngest.  

We first met the Caballeros six years ago when they began attending the local church. Their needs were seen right away by their pastor and other church members when it was discovered they were living in a hut made from wood and recycled plastic. Their church community rallied together, gathering supplies and volunteers to build a better home for the family, fit with a sink and running water. It is a simple home, but it is sturdier than the one they had before, and it can withstand rain and flooding.  

Shortly after their new home was built, the Caballero family was introduced to our child sponsorship program and Eberth, Nahomy, and Lorena were enrolled in school.  

With the help of an after-school tutor in their community, the three children caught up to their classmates. The stability of living in a more secure home paired with the aid supplied from the sponsorship program has enabled to Caballeros to feel more a part of their community. Eberth, Nahomy, and Lorena love to play with their classmates and they are much healthier than when we first met them. They love to participate in school and church activities together as a family and it is always a joy to visit them in their home.  

All of us are called to work together as a community to support our neighbours. Whether it is through sponsorship, acts of kindness, and friendship, we can make a difference in people’s lives.  


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